27th Annual Wahine Sailing Regatta Nov. 16-17, 2019
Join the fun, learning and sailing of this year’s Kona Sailing Club Wahine Weekend!
Registration and sign in will begin at 9 am both Saturday & Sunday, November 16th and November 17th 2019
Saturday Coffee & Clinic begins at 9:30 am. Leading the clinic will be Jennifer Gillette, a Big Island resident and school teacher. She has focused on sailing Me;ges 24s on Kaneohe Bay and competed in the Melges world champion completion on the San Francisco bay a couple of years ago. Jennifer sailed competitively through college earning the status of 3-time all-American crew, 1-time honorable mention all-American skipper and much more. The chalk talk covering teamwork, sail trim (getting the most out of your sails), race starts & strategy, basic racing rules. An ON the WATER clinic will follow, ending at 3 pm. Cost $10 KSC members, $15 non-members.
Sunday Skipper / Crew meeting begins at 9:30am. The race start sequence will begin at 11:55 or sooner. Wahine will sail two races and end the afternoon with heavy pupus and awards celebration at KSC clubhouse. Cost $15 for sailors (race & celebration), $10 sailors under 21 yrs OR meal only.
Have a boat you want to race, or just want meet up other water women? This is your weekend. Wahine skippers with boats, as well as crew looking for a boat to sail on, are WELCOME. Borrowed boats may be provided. Space limited – PLEASE RESERVE a spot by 11/10/19.
Sign up online using this link – https://konasailingclub.org/event/wahine-regatta-weekend-2019/
or for further information please contact: Alicia Starsong, 808-640-0662 or email [email protected]