Kona Sailing Club 2025 Board of Directors

Casey Mayes

Joe Scarola, Commodore

Joe was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, an island that sparked a strong desire to sail the ocean

Joe spent his youth honing his nautical skills primarily on motor boats. Then, in 2017, he discovered his passion for sailing when he arrived on the Big Island of Hawai’i. Inspired, he bought a sailboat and then learned how to sail. He has spent the last 7 years volunteering with the Big Island Sailing Foundation sailing dinghies,, and has earned his certificate as a U.S. Sailing instructor. His enthusiasm for sailing inspires youth and adults alike.

Michaela Draper Commodore KSC
Billy Funk, Director

John Gallagher, Vice Commodore

John is the father of three and enjoys cruising and fishing with the family while out on the water. He sailed as a teen with his father and grandfather on the Great Lakes but was away from the sport for many years while living on the mainland. Now living full time in Kona, he is out on the water whenever he can be. If you’re new to sailing and want a chill time on the water with no stress, give him a call.  

Billy Funk, Director
Billy Funk, Director

Billy Funk, Rear Commodore

I grew up in the Midwest where I met my wife Judy. I have worked in engineering almost my entire career which eventually brought me to Hawai’i. My interest in sailing started in my 30s where I was fascinated by the intense racing community on Lake Michigan. I was never able to get on a crew and vowed to one day buy my own racing boat which happened a few years ago with my purchase of a project boat, Buzz Off, a Henderson 30.

TYLER boss 

Ocean enthusiast, home cook, and Wilco nerd. I was fortunate enough to grow up fishing, water skiing, and swimming any chance I had. All of my grandparents lived on the water and my dad taught my sister and I to swim and ski before we could spell our own names. One summer while visiting my grandparents, my Dad’s childhood friend took me out on his Hobie 16. He showed me how to work the jib sheets and we were flying a hull later that day. Ever since I’ve absolutely loved sailing! When my wife and I moved to Hawai’i, one of the first things I did was contact the sailing club. I was quickly welcomed in and started sailing. Not long afterward, I began working on a sailing charter in the evenings when I finished up my day job. I now own a Hobie Holder and enjoy taking friends and family sailing as often as I can. I love meeting new people and look forward to sailing with you soon!

Judith Funk, Secretary
Billy Funk, Director

robert keogh, Port Captain

KSC Holiday Party 2019

casey mayes, education officer

KSC Holiday Party 2019
Billy Funk, Director

ahmad mohamadi, Treasurer

Ahmad Mohammadi is the CEO of Hawaii Luxury Yachts and a Board Member of the Kona Sailing Club. With over 24 years of experience in real estate development and marketing, Ahmad has built a successful business that has grown from $2M to $74M in sales, managing luxury condos in Hawaii’s top resorts. His expertise extends into luxury yacht sales and charter management, offering clients unique investment opportunities with significant tax benefits. Ahmad’s connections through the Kona Sailing Club, as well as his team of experts, enhance his ability to manage charter operations and sailing ventures across Hawaii and beyond. 


Wahine Regatta

Dan Schweitzer

Vanessa Crowson​Director and membership


Social Events

Victoria PenField
Social Director

jessica wertz