News & Updates
Basic Keelboat skipper certification
Basic Keelboat skipper certification The Kona Sailing Club is the first US Sailing Basic Keelboat skipper certification school in Hawaii, with Commodore Joe Scarola being an approved instructor with the nationally-recognized sailing organization. Kick-starting the...
2025 Racing is About to Begin!
Aloha Sailors,
Our first sail of the year is coming up fast! My apologies for not getting this email out sooner. Our board has been working very diligently getting things organized to kick off the year.
The Sledgehammer race is scheduled for February 26th but first, we have the Coast Guard Auxiliary coming down February 18th. Dust off the bird poo from your boats and let’s get them ready and safe for sailing!
This is a work day and we welcome all club members to help spruce up the club and their parking areas in preparation for the sailing season.
2024 Holiday Party
From Me and the guys from Overtime. A big thank you to the Kona Sailing Club for having us at the Annual awards dinner and Party and to everyone that came out and made it a spectacular time! Great people, terrific food, and of course Fun music!
June 7 board meeting
I will not be attending the June 7 board meeting and will not have internet access at that time. Chuck
Sledgehammer 2023
The Sledgehammer race is the first race for @konasailingclub of the calendar year. Our spring series starts up March 19th. We welcome any skill level sailors to come visit the club! The first official race for Kona Sailing Club’s 2023 season; THE SLEDGEHAMMER! With a...
2021 Sail & Race dates have been set
As the new rear commodore of Kona Sailing Club I am excited to let you know that we have set the sail day/race day dates for 2021.
The first sail day, The Sledgehammer, is scheduled for Sunday February 28th. Being late in our Hawaii “winter”,
Holiday Party Changes and Elections — Talk Story with the Commodore-
Aloha Sailors Sadly due to current restrictions we have had to postpone our annual Holiday Party. We intend to organize something for later in the year as a replacement and on January 9th we'll be having a daysail followed by the awards ceremony at the club at...
Talk Story with the Commodore
As the DLNR starts to issue permits again, the Kona Sailing Club is looking forward to starting the Fall Series on time, and brainstorming ways to maintain social distancing while having fun!